Sunday, 14 November 2010

Off the Scale

One of the biggest issues I’ve encountered moving out as a first time buyer is maintaining our successful, gastronomically interesting lives whilst having a less than desirably equipped kitchen.

 Rather than recede into the culinary wasteland I took this bull by the horns; using only my own powerful visual assessment. And if I do say so myself, I think it was quite a success. Recipes such as msmarmitelover's munchkin soufflé (above) and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstal's Welsh Rarebit (below used as a topping for a smoked haddock tart) didn’t suffer for having to eyeball 50g of flour or however much cheddar I decided was sufficient to satisfy my cheesy craving. 

In fact the imposition has been a blessing in disguise. It’s forced me to have patience and do things more carefully. Any idiot can blindly follow a recipe and bludgeon their way through. Mixing ingredients together slowly, dutifully stirring and tasting until you reach the desired result takes a lot more skill and technique. I for one have really enjoyed it.

That said, Christmas isn’t far away and I’m always awkward to shop for.

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