Having recently bought a house and moved in with my better half I have found myself taking part in a rather agreeable trading of skills. In return for doing the vast majority of the housework, the washing and ironing and all those other jobs that all men detest, I simply have to do the cooking and take care of the kitchen!
A little background. I am an aspiring foodie. I drive a clapped out old Punto, I shop at primarche, over time I’ve fashioned the world’s first pair of string boxers and I have kept pairs of trainers for several years after they stopped being waterproof but when eating out, money is no object in search of gastronomic excellence. I love eating tasty and comforting food, all the better if I’m the one who’s cooked it. If there was one thing that would make me love cooking and food even more, ensuring I don’t have to do a lot of the housework is definitely it!
Although the recently acquired mortgage will hinder eating out at many of the nation’s fine restaurants, those I endeavour to visit shall be chronicled here, as well as updates on my varying success at ensuring the better half’s sustenance.
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